Sunday, January 10, 2010

6 months already!

It's hard to believe that Bailey is already 6 months old. It's gone by so fast!

She is now rolling over and can sit up by herself!

She got a Disney Princess chair for Christmas and she loves it...almost as much as she loves the remote control. Every time we'd give her the remote though she would always hit random buttons and change the channel so we finally took the batteries out of an extra remote so she now has her own.

Bailey got a basketball goal for Christmas and she really likes playing with it. I think it's a sign of things to come.

She also likes to try and help me do laundry...

Every day with Bailey gets more and more fun and I can't wait to see what's in store for us in the next 6 months!

Bailey's First Christmas!

We started Christmas 2009 in Wichita with the Burns and Cunningham families. We then went to Garden City and spent the week with my family. We finished off our holiday weekend in Scott City at Aaron's sister Darlicia's house. We are very blessed that we were able to spend time with all of our families during this holiday season.
Bailey got some pretty cool gifts for Christmas but I have to say, I'm pretty sure her favorite part was tearing off the wrapping paper and trying to eat it. I think next year she'll be much more into her gifts and Christmas in general, but it was still so much fun to see her unwrapping her presents and enjoying the lights on the Christmas tree!
Here are some pictures from Bailey's First Christmas:

Thanksgiving 2009

We spent Thanksgiving 2009 in Wichita with the Burns family. It was great because so many family members were able to be there and share Bailey's first Thanksgiving with us. Below are some pictures from Thanksgiving weekend.

32 weeks

29 weeks

25 Weeks

24 Weeks

23 Weeks

18 Weeks

17 Weeks

16 Weeks
